Saturday, July 23, 2011

"There can be no other occupation like gardening
in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work,
you would find them smiling." ~Mirabel Osler

This is very true for me; I had big smiles after a visit to the garden. The cucumbers (yes - they are cukes) are growing like CRAZY! There are a ton of yellow blossoms, the vines are attacking my little chicken wire fence & beginning to weigh it down. It is also TOTALLY crowding out the rosemary, but rose is hanging in there.

MANY more totally hot peppers. Even D said they're too
hot for him. What to do? Still no sign of green bell peppers, but the plants are getting tall. Maybe they do height first, then sprout veggies. I picked four more tomatoes which were very red. They're really not the big. The tag said "beef steak" which is what I wanted. Oh well - they are small, but tasty.

Cabbages are beginning to form into a ball. Thank God for the
"Ortho EcoSense" insecticide I used - no more bite marks from those damn Japanese Beetles! But it has been raining, so another bottle is in order - now. The watermelon vines are trailing fast across the garden. I haven't seen any fruit, but yellow flowers keep sprouting. We'll see what happens, remember, this is trial/error on the melons & cabbages. Final answer on the bee balm plant - it's gonna be put in the garden. D & his "bee" thing just wont chill until it's out of sight, soo... it's such a bright color, I like turning the corner into the garden & being surprised by it's beauty.

Pics to follow soon. :-)

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